
Multiple image conversion

iThmb Converter supports the batch conversion of all images in a single iThmb file or even all images in a specific iThmb folder. Before converting multiple files you can choose:

  • Files to be converted
  • Conversion of the biggest image in the iThmb collection
  • Automatic cropping of images
  • Output format
  • Location of output folder
  • Subfolder generation options
  • Overwrite options
  • Viewing the resulting files in the folder

In order to process multiple images choose Convert all... from the File menu. This opens a dialogue window of conversion options:

Convert all options

Here is a detailed description of the available options:

Files to be converted

You can choose the various categories of files to be converted. Click the Process drop-down list in the upper part of the dialogue window and select one of the options:

Convert all process option

Here is a detailed description of the available options:

  • Current file only converts all the images stored in the iThmb file, that are currently selected in the center panel. This option is absent in the list if no specific file is selected.
  • All files in current folder converts all the images of all iThmb files in the current folder i.e. the one selected in the left panel. Files in the subfolders are skipped for conversion.
  • All files in current folder and subfolders converts all the images of all the iThmb files in the current folder including subfolders.

Conversion of the biggest image in iThmb collection

Set this flag if you need to convert only the largest image (the one with maximal height and width) from the current iThmb collection.

Note: This feature works only for the iThmb files stored in the photo cache folder, i.e. the ones containing the same image of different sizes. For the files stored on your iDevice, all the images of the current iThmb file are converted even if this flag is set.

Automatic cropping of images

This handy option allows you to get rid of the black borders around the converted images. Set this flag if you want iThmb Converter to crop the black or empty space and reduce the size of the resulting images.

Output format

In order to select one of the 3 output formats (JPG, PNG, and BMP), click the Output format drop-down list and select one of the options. We suggest JPG, in case you need the maximum amount of image data preserved:

Convert all format option

Location of output folder

You can choose the location for the converted files. Click the side button of Output folder text box and browse for the folder. The default value is My Documents/My Pictures/ithmb.

Note: We suggest deleting all watermarked output files or change the location of the output folder after registration to avoid difficulties in finding the correct files in the folder.

Subfolder generation options

iThmb Converter provides several options of organizing the resulting files in the output subfolders. Click the Generate subfolder drop-down list and select one of the options:

Convert all subfolder option
  • Don't generate
    Converts and saves all resulting files into a single common output folder.
  • By original file path
    Converts files and preserves the original subfolder structure extracted from the image filename path. The common part of the filename is not preserved i.e. for images with the filenames "d:\images\My Folder 1\1.jpg" and "d:\images\My Folder 2\1.jpg" converter creates My Folder 1 and My Folder 2 subfolders in the resulting output folder. You can see the original filename in the status bar while viewing the images.
  • By file tags
    Uses the file tags of the images to name the separate subfolders. If the images contain the same file tag they are saved in one subfolder named according to their file tag. The file tag can be viewed in a created report as Key words property for the current iThmb image collection.

Overwrite options

If you have already used the output folder for conversion you need to set the overwrite options to avoid ambiguity in saving the resulting images. Click the Overwrite drop-down list at the bottom of the window and choose one of the options:

Convert all overwrite option
  • Overwrite all to overwrite all earlier converted images with same names. This option is useful when you buy a product and need to re-convert all watermarked images.
  • Skip all to save all earlier versions of the images.
  • Auto rename saved to rename the newly converted images with the same names automatically.

Viewing the resulting files in the folder

Use this option to automatically open the output folder after conversion.

After configuring the batch conversion options, click OK to start the process:

Conversion process

Conversion is completed in several seconds depending on the size and number of your iThmb files. You can view the resulting images in the output folder. If the number of images to be converted exceeds 30 unregistered version of iThmb Converter skips them.